This beautiful 33 year old is the co-founder of Case.One. is a cloud-based, all-in-one legal practice management software. It helps lawyers work on litigation; exchange information; manage time and billing; create invoices, and monitor ongoing tasks—from anywhere. She is also the co-founder of 2nd Law, launched last year, the first ever virtual law firm.
Bahar started Case.One because of her discovery of the lack of a proper case management system and billing system which was according to her “time consuming”.
She has been most influenced by Marissa Mayer, one of America’s most notable self-made women. Her favourite book is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. ( I am going to read that book too, #smiles)
One thing is she is most proud of is helping others.
I’m proud to be at a point to give back and help people. I was fortunate to pick a career where I could help people achieve their goals and dreams—and I could see a change in people’s lives.
In 10 years, she hopes to continue running her firm ANSARI LAW GROUP and; and travelling and continuing her charities. She believes that Legal Technology is the future of law and she intends to be a part of it.
Her Advise for Entrepreneurs: Don’t be afraid of failure or rejection. Trust yourself and believe in yourself. Take chances and don’t be afraid to test waters in different industries. If you have ideas—explore them and NEVER TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER.
I hope you are inspired. Have a super-duper W E D N E S D A Y!!!!!